Sistemas virtuales

Check Point Virtual Systems taps the power of virtualization to consolidate and simplify security for private clouds while delivering on a lower total cost of ownership. It enables customized security against evolving network threats


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Seguridad escalable

Scale with up to 13 clustered gateways with Virtual System Load Sharing (VSLS) technology

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Separate Security Domains

Each Virtual System has a separate policy and security feature set that is completely customizable

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Security Consolidation

Deploy separate virtual systems on one physical security appliance

Especificaciones del producto

Nuestro Firewall de última Generación es
más que un simple firewall

Our Next Generation Firewall Is More Than Just a Firewall diagram

Implemente seguridad de confianza cero

zero trust icon

La seguridad Zero Trust se trata de tener la habilidad de dividir y gestionar la red para reducir el riesgo de movimientos laterales.

Check Point Network Firewalls enable you to create granular network segmentation across public/private cloud and LAN environments. With detailed visibility into the users, groups, applications, machines and connection types on your network, they allow you to set and enforce a “Least Privileged” access policy. So, only the right users and devices can access your protected assets.


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