Multi-Domain Security Management

Multi-Domain Security Management delivers more security and control by segmenting security management into multiple virtual domains. Businesses of all sizes can easily create virtual domains based on geography, business unit or security function to strengthen security and simplify management.


Multi-Domain hero image

Simplified Management

Enable granular and isolated role-based administration of a multi-tenant security management architecture.

More Control

Single security management configuration for VPN, Firewall, IPS, and other protections.

Seguridad Unificada

Create, view and control all network security management domains from a single console.

Scale with Multi-Tenant Network Security Management

Reporte de Ciberseguridad 2023

Los conflictos geopolíticos desencadenan un aumento histórico de ciberataques.
Revise más información de tendencias y perspectivas.


imagen flotante del Informe de ciberseguridad 2022

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