CloudGuard for
Serverless Security

Full lifecycle security for serverless applications,
CloudGuard Unified Workload Protection provides vulnerability assessment, high fidelity posture management and workload protection of your serverless functions – from development through runtime, across your cloud environment.



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Continuous function scanning for observability & threat prevention

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Automatic least privilege protection for functions, logs, and databases

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En todas partes

Build security posture capabilities into CI/CD to detect and remediate risks

Serverless Self-Protection

CloudGuard’s breakthrough code-centric platform, automates security & visibility for cloud native serverless applications from development to runtime, enabling organizations to securely innovate at cloud speed. By analyzing the serverless application code before and after deployment, organizations can achieve a continuous serverless security posture–automating application hardening, minimizing the attack surface, and simplifying governance. Utilizing machine-based analysis and deep learning algorithms, CloudGuard builds a model of normal application and function behavior to detect and block application-layer attacks for
enhanced serverless security.

Cloudguard Serverless Azure Findings


Serverless Security Strategies for AWS

To optimize the security of your AWS Lambda deployments, it is important to integrate a security layer to protect the code itself during development and runtime, while providing visibility and speed.

Read more best practices on how to enhance the security of AWS Lambda functions.


Serverless Security Strategies for AWS Lambda

Why CloudGuard for Serverless Security

Why CloudGuard for Serverless Security

  • Greater Serverless Observability: Continuously scan your serverless functions, to increase security posture, providing clear observability of the application and continuous assessment.
  • Least Privilege Protection at Scale: Maximize serverless application security through automatic least privilege protection for functions, logs, and databases.
  • Comprehensive Guardrails throughout CI/CD: Define the level of risk and “shift-left” by building your serverless security posture into the CI/CD pipeline
  • Continuous Compliance with Custom Rules and Exceptions: Comply with internal mandates and compliance regulations through customized rules and exceptions for serverless applications.
  • Seamless Application Threat Prevention: Zero-touch serverless application security using pattern matching, allowlisting, blocklisting, and more applied at the function level for threat prevention.
  • Dynamic Self-Protection: Function Self-Protection (FSP) in real-time to continuously evaluate and adapt the security protection and micro-segmentation around each resource.

Serverless Security Use Cases

Function Behavioral Profiling

Leverage CloudGuard shift-left tooling to automatically protect specific functions within the workloads. CloudGuard’s Function Self Protection (FSP) technology applies a layer of protection without impacting performance to monitor function activities and creates a behavioral profile of function baseline activity to create a whitelist.

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Block Threats and Enforce Whitelist Policy

Automate runtime protection with CloudGuard’s auto-protect feature and enforce whitelist policies while blocking those activities that are out of scope automatically. Gather real time activity report logs and take action on priority alerts when they matter the most.

Build Least Permissive Roles

Using static code analysis of the code and function, and evaluating it against API calls, CloudGuard automatically determines least privilege recommendations. Based on this analysis, CloudGuard provides a Suggested Role Remediation that can be easily applied to the cloud providers IAM Role policy.

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“Elegimos a CloudGuard porque integra a la perfección nuestro uso cada vez mayor de funciones de AWS Lambda y ayuda a automatizar la seguridad en nuestra infraestructura sin servidor. Además, obtenemos soporte en la transición para integrar procesos CI/CD, lo que nos permite defender nuestras aplicaciones de manera fácil e ininterrumpida”.

– Brent Bain, arquitecto de nube y desarrollador líder en Best Friends Animal Society


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Reporte de Ciberseguridad 2023

Los conflictos geopolíticos desencadenan un aumento histórico de ciberataques.
Revise más información de tendencias y perspectivas.


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