Check Point offers the widest coverage of the MITRE ATT&CK matrix

Our AI prevention technologies uniquely utilize MITRE knowledge base taxonomy, to predict zero-day attacks and accelerate detection, investigation and response across network, endpoint, mobile and cloud.

mitre floating hero image

Below are the tactics and techniques representing the MITRE ATT&CK® Matrix for Enterprise and Mobile. The Matrix contains information for the following platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, PRE, Azure AD, Office 365, Google Workspace, SaaS, IaaS, Network, Containers.

MDM is NOT Security

Watch the Video to learn why MDM is NOT security

MDM/UEM is not security video

Check Point schneidet im MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Test als führender Anbieter von Endpoint-Sicherheit hervorragend ab

Erfahren Sie, wie Harmony Endpoint eine 100-prozentige Erkennung bei allen getesteten, einzigartigen ATT&CK-Techniken erreicht hat


MITER Engenuity – Harmony Endpoint

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