A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) plays a pivotal role in an organization’s cybersecurity strategy. However, not every company has the resources to employ a full-time CISO. That’s where CISO Consulting Services come in.

At Check Point we provide expert CISO consulting services to organizations of all sizes and industries. Our seasoned CISOs and Enterprise Security Architects offer strategic guidance, cybersecurity expertise, and leadership to help you protect your digital assets effectively.

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  • Expertise: Our CISOs and architects have years of experience in diverse industries, providing you with a wealth of knowledge and insights.
  • Tailored Solutions: We customize our services to meet your unique business needs, ensuring maximum relevance and effectiveness.
  • Cutting-Edge Knowledge: We stay up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends and practices, keeping your organization secure in a dynamic threat landscape.
  • Dedicated to Excellence: We are committed to delivering the highest quality consulting services, placing your organization’s security at the forefront.



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von Inhalten

  1. CISO Strategy Development
    Collaborate with our experienced CISOs to create a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy tailored to your business objectives. We help you align security initiatives with your company’s mission and vision.
  2. Cybersecurity Risk Management
    Identify vulnerabilities, assess threats, and develop strategies to mitigate risk. Our Enterprise Architects and Consultants guide you in implementing effective risk management practices to safeguard your organization.
  3. Security Governance and Compliance
    Stay compliant with industry standards and regulations. We help you establish and maintain robust security governance frameworks and ensure adherence to legal requirements.
  4. Incident Response Planning
    Develop and test incident response plans to minimize the impact of security breaches. Our experts ensure your organization is well-prepared to respond swiftly to security incidents.
  5. Security Awareness Training
    Empower your employees to recognize and respond to security threats. We offer comprehensive training programs to enhance your workforce’s security awareness.
  6. Technology Evaluation
    Stay at the forefront of cybersecurity technology. Our CISOs assess, recommend, and help you implement the latest security tools and solutions to protect your infrastructure.


Most relevant roles
CISO, CISO, Directors , SOC Managers, Enterprise Security Architects

Ideal number of participants
2-4 participants Professionals

Infinity Global Services

Check Point Infinity Global Services bietet End-to-End-Sicherheitsdienste, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, das Fachwissen Ihres Teams zu erweitern, Best Practices zu entwickeln und Bedrohungen in Echtzeit zu verhindern. Wo auch immer Sie sich auf Ihrem Weg zur Cybersicherheit befinden, wir beginnen dort. Unsere Elite-Experten arbeiten mit Ihrem Team zusammen, um Ihr Unternehmen auf die nächste Stufe des Schutzes zu bringen und Ihren Cyber-Resilienzplan zu erstellen.


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