7 DevSecOps Best Practices

The DevSecOps method injects security practices into every stage of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) with a goal of ensuring reliable and secure software development. We’ll explore seven best practices for an effective DevSecOps implementation that helps to establish a culture of security at the very foundation of software development.

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DevSecOps Definition

DevSecOps unifies the security, development, and operations teams, merging their distinct approaches to ensure that secure development practices are prioritized.

In contrast, the traditional approach considers development practices and security practices as largely separate phases. Security checks are deferred to the end of the software development process, resulting in:

  • Security issues that slip through the cracks
  • Higher risk of security incidents
  • Increased remediation costs

DevSecOps moves beyond this traditional siloed model, fostering collaboration between teams which enables earlier identification and mitigation of security risks. A popular term for this approach is “shift-left security,” which signifies the movement of security into the earlier stages of software development, and out of the traditional later stages.

The result is improved collaboration, faster time-to-market, and more secure and reliable software products.

7 DevSecOps Best Practices

Effective DevSecOps implementation requires an approach that encompasses best practices across various stages of the SDLC. Here are 7 best practices to foster DevSecOps within the enterprise:

For Developers

Here are the DevSecOps best practices for developers.

#1. Code Security

Secure coding practices serve as the base of DevSecOps, motivating developers to anticipate potential vulnerabilities from the very beginning.

Automated or manual code reviews are a core element of DevSecOps, with static/dynamic analysis tools used to proactively identify weaknesses and security flaws before they reach production. Other key tools used to ensure secure code include:

Lastly, adherence to standards like OWASP, NIST SSDF or Common Criteria further promotes and fortifies overall code security.

#2. Secure SDLC

Secure SDLC integrates security checks and assessments into every phase of the development lifecycle. Security requirements are gathered during the initial planning, architectural design and data flow analysis phases. Vulnerabilities are scanned during the development phase, with regular code reviews and security testing supporting the scans throughout development.

The software next undergoes penetration testing during the integration phase, and final security audits are performed prior to deployment. These practices ensure that potential risks are proactively identified and remediated ahead of a final release.


Here are the automation best practices.

#3. Infrastructure as Code (IAC)

Manual configuration of systems invites infrastructure headaches and security defects. IAC aims to automate infrastructure provisioning using code, which:

  • Promotes consistency and repeatability
  • Reduces the likelihood of configuration mistakes

The DevSecOps approach makes use of tools like Terraform or Ansible to automatically provision and configure infrastructure, thereby enforcing standardization. Using IAC security tools ensures the consistency of builds, establishes repeatable processes, and supports auditable deployments.

#4. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Pipelines

Automated CI/CD pipelines enable faster and more reliable software development and delivery. CI/CD pipelines allow for automated static code analysis (SCA), thus identifying potential flaws before changes are committed. They also streamline integration testing processes, permitting security checks to be integrated at each stage.

These feedback loops within the CI/CD pipeline make swift identification and rectification of security vulnerabilities possible.


Here are the best practices for operations.

#5. Effective Risk Management

A primary goal of DevSecOps is continuous assessment, identification, and mitigation of security risks throughout the development lifecycle. This makes risk management key to a complete DevSecOps approach. Many well-known risk management frameworks may be adapted to the DevSecOps way, including:

  • FAIR

Evaluation of infrastructure, configurations and applications, along with regular threat assessments, allow for a comprehensive and secure approach to development.

#6. Security Compliance

DevSecOps often handles sensitive customer data, and regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA and CCPA mandate strict security measures to protect this data from misuse.

A complete DevSecOps approach must embed compliance considerations throughout the development lifecycle.

Secure design, automated security tests, access controls, continuous monitoring practices, documentation and audits all combine to reduce the risk of regulatory non-compliance and the severe reputational and financial penalties that follow.

#7. Cloud Detection and Response (CDR)

With diverse configurations and services, potentially spanning multiple providers, cloud environments introduce a broadly expanded attack surface. CDR solutions reduce the burden on security teams by autonomously monitoring and securing applications running in the cloud.

Leveraging advanced threat intelligence and machine learning to detect and respond to suspicious activity, CDRs reduce risk by proactively mitigating threats.

It’s critical to understand that these best practices impact the whole process, not just one stage. Instead of isolated routines or checkpoints, they are integrated into every step of the SDLC, and therefore influence the overall security posture of the application.

DevSecOps with CloudGuard by Check Point Software

DevSecOps represents a cultural and technological shift in how organizations approach software security. Rather than the traditional reactive approach, DevSecOps reimagines the SDLC by encouraging practices such as secure coding, automation, risk management and cloud security. By adopting the seven best practices above, organizations can achieve a more secure and efficient development process.

Check Point CloudGuard is a cloud-native security platform that empowers organizations to integrate security into their DevOps processes. With a suite of security controls, threat detection capabilities, and compliance reporting features, CloudGuard is a powerful tool for implementing DevSecOps best practices.

Sign up for a demo of CloudGuard to discover how Check Point can help your organization build secure applications faster and more efficiently.

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