Why is Cybersecurity Important?

Companies face an ever-evolving cybersecurity threat landscape. Cybercrime has become a profitable business, and many cyber threat actors are working to keep it that way. As a result, they are constantly working to improve and refine their techniques to more effectively bypass corporate cyber defenses.

In Q2 2023, global weekly cyberattacks increased by 8% to the highest point in two years. Additionally, there was a 41% growth in attacks targeting Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the first two months of 2023 compared to the same time the previous year. These and other attack trends demonstrate that cyber threat actors adapt their techniques to take advantage of new and changing opportunities.

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What are the Impacts of a Cyberattack?

Cyberattacks can be intended to achieve a wide range of malicious goals, which can have various consequences for their targets. Some of the most common impacts that cyberattacks have on a business include the following:

  • Data Breach: Data loss is a common impact of a cyberattack. Cybercriminals commonly target customer data, intellectual property (IP), financial data, and other sensitive information in their attacks.
  • Denial of Service (DoS): Some cyberattacks are designed to disrupt an organization’s operations. For example, a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack might overwhelm a web server with spam traffic, or ransomware might encrypt vital data, rendering it unavailable to an organization.
  • Financial Losses: Most cyberattacks cause a variety of financial losses. Even if the cybercriminals don’t steal money directly, an organization may face remediation costs, legal fees, and lost revenue as a result of a cyberattack.
  • Reputational Damage: A successful cyber attack can also cause significant damage to an organization’s brand image. The company’s reputation may be harmed by customers’ perception that the organization can’t protect their data or the inability to provide core services during a DoS attack.
  • Customer Losses: Cyberattacks can also cause an organization to lose customers. This customer churn could be caused by customers’ inability to reach an organization’s website during a DDoS attack or a company’s perceived failure to properly protect customer data.

The Importance of Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks are a growing threat to every business. As cybercrime has become more professionalized and attacks are automated, cybercriminals are targeting businesses of all sizes and in every industry. The growing sophistication of these attacks makes them more difficult to detect and can increase the potential damage to their victims.

Strong cybersecurity helps to protect an organization against cyberattacks and manage risk to the business. By identifying and blocking attempted attacks before they reach corporate systems, an organization eliminates the potential costs and threats that they pose to the organization.

How to Protect Your Organization Against Cybercrime

Cybercrime is a serious concern for any business, and managing these threats is essential to the success of the company. Some best practices that organizations can implement to reduce their risk of cyberattacks include the following:

  • Threat Detection and Prevention: Organizations face a wide range of potential cyber threats, including phishing, malware, and DoS attacks. Threat detection and prevention solutions are essential to identify and block malicious content and traffic before it reaches its intended destination. Continuous Monitoring: Cyberattacks are an ongoing threat, and a company will likely not only be targeted during standard business hours. Implementing 24×7 threat detection and incident response helps to reduce the scope and impacts of a successful cyberattack.
  • Employee Education: Types of cyberattacks such as phishing — target the human element. Educating employees to identify and respond correctly to common threats can reduce an organization’s exposure to these threat vectors.
  • Strong Authentication: Account takeover attacks are a common attack vector and provide a cybercriminal with the power of a legitimate employee account. Often, these attacks take advantage of weak authentication, so implementing a strong password policy and multi-factor authentication (MFA) can help to prevent these attacks.
  • Least Privilege Access Management: If a user’s account is taken over by an attacker, then the cybercriminal can take advantage of all of the access and permissions assigned to that account. Implementing least privilege access controls — which grant user only the set of permissions needed for their role — reduces the damage that can be done by a compromised account.

Bolster Your Cybersecurity with Check Point

Cybersecurity has emerged as a major concern for many businesses. A successful cyberattack can be damaging and expensive, so investing in cybersecurity is the logical option. By putting the right tools, processes, and solutions in place, an organization can dramatically decrease the potential risk and impact of a cybersecurity incident.

However, an effective cybersecurity strategy is aligned with the company’s business goals and based on knowledge of the threats that an organization is likely to face. To learn more about the current state of the cyber threat landscape, check out Check Point’s 2023 Mid-Year Cyber Security Report.

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