Web Application Security Testing

Web applications make up a significant portion of an organization’s digital attack surface. These programs are often designed to be publicly accessible but offer access to sensitive data or valuable functionality.

Security gaps and weaknesses in these applications pose a risk of data breaches or other security incidents. Web application security testing is designed to identify potential vulnerabilities in web applications and gauge the effectiveness of the security controls protecting these web applications.

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The Importance of Web Application Security Testing

Companies have various drivers behind their application security (AppSec) programs. Vulnerabilities in web applications could lead to security incidents that cost the company money and harm its reputation. Regulatory compliance requirements commonly mandate the use of certain security controls and regular assessments of these controls.

Web application security testing can help organizations to manage their security risks and achieve compliance with regulatory requirements. Tests can generally search for vulnerabilities or focus on targeted scenarios designed to address particular threats or compliance requirements.

How Web Application Security Testing Works

In general, the goal of web application security testing is to determine the vulnerability of an organization’s web applications to various cyber threats such as the OWASP Top Ten. To do so, testers will emulate the tools and techniques used by cyber threat actors to target an organization’s web applications.

Typically, web application security testing is either performed by the company itself or as part of a formal engagement with a third-party provider. At the end of an assessment, the tester will report its findings to the organization, enabling it to address any identified vulnerabilities of concern.

Types of Web Application Security Testing

Web application security testing can be performed in a few different ways and at different stages of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Some common forms of web app security testing include:

  • SAST: Static Application Security Testing (SAST) analyzes the source code of an application to identify potential vulnerabilities. Since it doesn’t require a runnable application, it can be applied early in the SDLC, including as part of automated testing before a code commit is accepted into a repository.
  • DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) analyzes the behavior of a running application and attempts to identify vulnerabilities by passing it various legitimate, malicious, or malformed inputs. Since DAST requires a running application, it is used later in the SDLC, typically during the Testing phase.
  • RASP: Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) is a security tool applied to production applications. It uses instrumentation to monitor the inputs, outputs, and behavior of an application and identifies potential exploits based on their effects on the application’s behavior.
  • Pen Testing: Penetration testing is a human-driven assessment of the security vulnerabilities in a production application. Pen testers will attempt to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in an application, often in the pursuit of a predefined goal for the exercise such as gaining access to sensitive data stored in a database.

Benefits of Web Application Security Testing

Web application security testing can bring numerous benefits to an organization, including:

  • Vulnerability Detection: All forms of web application security testing attempt to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s web applications. By doing so, a company gains the ability to close these gaps before they can be exploited by an attacker.
  • Risk Assessment: Security testing also gives an organization a more concrete understanding of its current exposure to cyberattacks. This enables the organization to take steps to manage this risk, such as closing security gaps or purchasing cybersecurity insurance.
  • Expert Guidance: Working with a security testing team gives an organization access to experts in their field. By leveraging this expertise, an organization can find ways to optimize or improve its cybersecurity infrastructure.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Security testers will often provide recommendations for mitigating any security issues that they identified. This enables the organization to make measurable progress toward improving its security posture.

Deliverables of Web Application Security Testing

Security testing can be performed in-house or by a third-party provider. Some deliverables to look for include:

  • Executive Summary: The final report for a security test often includes a high-level executive summary. This highlights the results of the test and provides the information needed by higher-level, non-technical stakeholders.
  • Vulnerability Details: Beyond the executive summary, a report should provide an in-depth description of the test and its results. This could include the tests performed, vulnerabilities identified, and recommendations for mitigating these.
  • Live Debrief: Testers may also offer a live debriefing presentation to their clients. This helps to ensure that the customer understands the results of the test and enables them to ask any questions that they might have regarding the report.

Web Application Security Testing with IGS

Web application security testing is a critical component of any organization’s cybersecurity program. Check Point’s Infinity Global Services (IGS) offers penetration testing support to help organizations find and fix security gaps in their web applications. To learn more about security testing with IGS, contact a Check Point security expert today.


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