What is a Web Application Firewall?

A web application firewall (WAF) is deployed on the network edge, and inspects traffic to and from web applications. It can filter and monitor traffic to protect against attacks like SQL injection, cross site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

A WAF operates at network layer 7 (the application layer). While it can defend against a large range of application-layer attacks, it cannot operate on its own, and must be combined with other security tools to protect against attacks targeted at other network layers or other parts of the security environment.

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What is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)?

What is the Difference Between WAF and Firewall?

Firewall is a generic term for firmware that filters incoming and outgoing traffic on a network. There are several categories within this broad definition that differ in the type of protection they provide. These include stateful inspection, packet filtering, proxy servers, and next generation firewalls (NGFW).


WAF is another type of firewall, distinguished by the way it filters data packets. WAF inspects the application layer of the network and can prevent many attacks that are invisible to other types of firewalls. For example, a SQL injection attack would not be detected by a regular firewall because it does not inspect payloads of application requests, such as SQL queries.


Unlike a traditional firewall that can block traffic from specific IP ranges, geographies, etc., WAFs let you define rules that exclude specific types of application behavior that appear to be malicious.

Types of Web Application Firewalls

There are three main types of web application servers: network WAF, host-based WAF, and cloud WAF.

Appliance WAF

Typically hardware-based, can be installed locally using dedicated equipment, and can be installed as close to the field application as possible to reduce latency.


Most hardware-based WAFs let you copy rules and settings between devices, to support large scale deployments on corporate networks. The downside of a network WAF is that it requires a large upfront investment, as well as ongoing maintenance costs.


An alternative to hardware-based WAF is running the WAF as a virtual appliance, either locally, often using network function virtualization (NVF) technology, or in the public cloud, by deploying a pre-configured cloud machine image. This reduces capital expenditure, but still creates maintenance overhead.

Host-Based WAF

Can be fully integrated into your application code. The benefits of this deployment model include much lower costs and improved customization. However, host-based WAFs are more complex to deploy, requiring specific libraries to be installed on the application server, and relying on server resources to run effectively. The WAF also becomes a dependency of the web application which needs to be managed throughout the development lifecycle.

Cloud WAF

This is a cost-effective option that provides a turnkey WAF solution, with no upfront investment and rapid deployment. Cloud WAF solutions are typically subscription based, and only require simple DNS or proxy configuration to start working. Cloud-based WAFs have access to constantly-updated threat intelligence, and may also offer managed services to help you define security rules and respond to attacks as they happen.


The challenge with cloud WAFs is you need to trust your provider to route all traffic to your web application. If the WAF provider goes down, your website goes down as well, and if performance is poor, your website performance will suffer. This is why most cloud WAF providers offer an integrated WAF, CDN and DDoS protection solution to ensure uptime and minimal latency.

How Does a Web Application Firewall Work?

A web application firewall has several possible deployment models:

  • Hardware or virtual appliance
  • Software running on the same web server as the web application
  • Cloud-based service


In each of these deployment models, the WAF always sits in front of the web application, intercepting all traffic between the application and the Internet.


Whitelisting vs. Blacklisting


A WAF can operate in a whitelist model, only letting in known-good application traffic, or in a blacklist model, blocking traffic that matches known attack patterns or security rules.


WAFs intercepts HTTP/S requests, inspects them, and only lets them through if it confirms they are not malicious. In the same way, it inspects server responses, checking them for known patterns of web application attacks, such as session hijacking, buffer overflow, XSS, command and control (C&C) communications, or denial of service (DoS).

WAF Capabilities

WAFs typically provide the following capabilities:


  • Attack signature database—these are patterns that can be used to identify malicious traffic. They can include known malicious IPs, types of requests, unusual server responses, and more. In the past, WAFs primarily relied on databases of attack patterns, but this technique is largely ineffective against new and unknown attacks.
  • AI/ML analysis of traffic patterns—modern WAFs perform behavioral analysis of traffic using artificial intelligence algorithms. They identify baselines for specific types of traffic, and capture anomalies that might represent an attack. This makes it possible to identify attacks even if they do not match a known malicious pattern.
  • Application profiling—the WAF analyzes web application structure, including URLs, typical requests, allowed data types and values. This can help identify abnormal or malicious requests and block them.
  • Customization engine—the WAF allows operators to define security rules specific to the organization or web application, and instantly applies them to application traffic. This is important to allow customization of WAF behavior and avoid blocking legitimate traffic.
  • Correlation engine—analyzes incoming traffic and triages it using known attack signatures, AI/ML analysis, application profiling and custom rules to determine if it should be blocked or not.
  • DDoS protection—WAFs commonly integrate with cloud based distributed denial as a service (DDoS) protection platforms. When a DDoS attack is detected by the WAF, it can block the requests, and switch traffic over to the DDoS protection system, which can scale up to withstand large volumetric attacks.
  • Content delivery network (CDN)—because WAFs are deployed at the network edge, cloud-based WAFs may also provide a CDN that caches the website to improve website load time. The WAF/CDN is deployed on multiple points of presence (PoP) distributed around the world, and the website is served to users through the nearest PoP.

Disadvantages of Rule Based Web Application Firewalls (WAF)

WAFs are deployed at the edge, and attempt to filter and block traffic suspected to be malicious. Traditionally, this filtering was performed using rules, either provided out of the box by the WAF vendor, or customized by the organization deploying the WAF.


The problem with rule-based WAFs is that they require very high maintenance. Organizations must painstakingly define rules that match their specific application patterns, which may change over time as new applications are adopted and as applications evolve. This also makes it more difficult to address changing threat vectors – new attacks might require new rules.


An additional challenge is operating WAFs in a microservices environment. In a large microservices application, new versions of microservices are released multiple times per day. It is simply impractical to deploy a WAF and update rule sets for each component. This means that in many cases, microservices will remain unprotected by a WAF.

Check Point Web Application and API Protection

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