Top Cloud Security Challenges in 2024

Cloud computing has dramatically changed how organizations operate, impacting and improving scalability, flexibility, cost savings, and collaboration efforts. Yet, despite the many advantages the cloud offers, ensuring its security becomes more challenging every day.

According to the 2024 Cloud Security Report, the escalating trend of cloud security incidents is concerning to the large majority of organizations. Understanding the challenges we cover will enable organizations to proactively mitigate risks, ensure compliance, safeguard digital cloud assets, and maintain a high level of trust with their customers.

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Biggest 9 Cloud Security Challenges in 2024

#1. Effective Security Amidst Constant Change

As the cloud technology landscape evolves, cloud service providers constantly drive innovation by adding new services and new features. This makes it challenging to keep up with the effects of change on security. The consequences of the rapid pace of progress includes an ever-expanding attack surface.

This situation leads to cloud vulnerabilities being exploited before systems can be properly configured, patched, or otherwise mitigated.

The result is increased risk of attacks, unauthorized access, and exposure of sensitive information.

Organizations are encouraged to promote training on cloud security topics for all relevant staff. Additionally, they should prioritize the implementation of continuous monitoring and vulnerability assessments of systems to stay ahead of potential threats.

Escalation of Cloud Incidents: There has been a 154% increase in cloud security incidents compared to last year, with 61% of organizations reporting significant disruptions.

#2. Misconfigurations

The complexity of cloud infrastructure naturally results in accidental misconfiguration. Skilled attackers seek out and exploit these defects to compromise systems.

Lack of visibility into configurations is a leading cause of misconfiguration. Staff may be challenged by managing too many cloud environments, each with its own unique and occasionally conflicting policies. The deluge of notifications from cloud logging and monitoring systems can obscure potentially dangerous configuration problems.

Other problems include inadequate training, lack of understanding, and a shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals. These issues can lead to misconfigurations that hinder an organization’s ability to effectively manage cloud security. Security vulnerabilities and data breaches are the unfortunate, but common, side effects.

To avoid these and related issues, organizations should consider implementing configuration management best practices. The adoption of a cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) can further enhance security by providing a streamlined, centralized cloud management interface.

Rapid Adoption of AI Technologies: With 91% of organizations now prioritizing AI to enhance their security posture, the focus has shifted towards leveraging AI for proactive threat prevention

#3. AI-Enhanced Security Attacks

The proliferation of generative AI (GenAI) has opened up a multitude of new avenues of creativity and productivity in the business world.

On the other hand, GenAI has also led to an explosion of noxious possibilities for bad actors. GenAI enables them to create novel malware, engage in elaborate scripting attacks, and mobilize malicious botnet assaults – all without requiring advanced programming skills. Moreover, deep fakes, voice cloning tools, and sophisticated text-generation language models have amplified the potential for cybercriminals to use social engineering attacks against employees.

To combat AI-enabled cyberattacks, organizations must deploy their own AI-powered cloud security solutions which utilize advanced threat detection and mitigation capabilities. In this way, security staff can keep pace in this AI arms race, and are empowered to respond to these threats in real time.

#4. Skills Shortage and Staffing Issues

As the demand for cloud security expertise grows, the scarcity of qualified staff is a persistent issue, hindering the ability to maintain an acceptable standard of security.

Without adequate personnel, organizations will increasingly struggle to implement and manage robust security measures needed to defend against new and evolving threats. And, as mentioned above, the issue of misconfigurations is a primary side effect of these personnel issues. Likewise, the growing trends in security of AI-enhanced cyberattacks make this shortage of qualified security staff particularly troublesome.

To address this challenge, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity talent acquisition and development, while leveraging cybersecurity automation tools to streamline security processes. Outsourcing or partnerships with specialized security providers can also minimize the inherent risks of staffing deficiencies.

#5. Insecure Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

APIs enable teams to create and integrate both internal systems and third-party offerings into the organization’s products and services, accessing valuable and potentially sensitive data.

Failure to adequately secure APIs is a hidden source of unauthorized access to cloud-based systems and data. Weak authentication, holes in input validation, inappropriate permissions, incorrect error handling, rate limiting issues – all are potential sources of risk to cloud security.

Organizations must prioritize API security, including rigorous authentication, authorization, and validation testing to avoid compromise to cloud systems. Consider adopting Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC) or DevSecOps processes and procedures to further mitigate these issues.

CNAPP for Enhanced Prevention: Despite the growing threat landscape, only 25% of organizations have fully implemented Cloud Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP). This underscores the urgent need for comprehensive solutions that go beyond traditional tooling.


#6. Limited Visibility

Security teams must be able to identify risks before they metastasize into full-blown breaches.

Without proper monitoring and logging capabilities, security staff are hampered in efforts to detect and respond to incidents. Lack of visibility into the performance, usage, and utilization of cloud resources can lead to longer dwell times, increased risk of incidents, and prolonged system downtime.

Deployment and integration of cloud-aware tools that provide real-time monitoring, log collection, and analytics enable teams to quickly identify and mitigate threats to security.

Deep Concerns Over Risk Management: An overwhelming 96% of respondents reported concerns about their ability to effectively manage cloud risks, reflecting a considerable escalation from previous years.

#7. Weaknesses in Identity, Credential, Access, and Key Management (ICAM)

Access into cloud resources must be secured to prevent unauthorized admittance. To ensure security, strict access controls must be placed on ICAM.

Lack of adequate security controls in these areas is the primary cause of account hijacking attacks, as attackers often exploit weaknesses in identity and access management (IAM). Once they have access to a hijacked account, the attacks can spread within the cloud environment.

Organizations must utilize IAM systems and related strategies to secure access into the cloud and enforce a least-privilege security posture. Multi-factor authentication, strong credential requirements, regular password rotation, and revocation of unnecessary access all further secure identities.

#8. Insider Threats

Insider threats are authorized personnel who, maliciously or accidentally, present risk to the security of your organization.

Insider threats can include employees, contractors, or partners with authorized access to a company’s services or cloud environment. Intentional or unintentional acts may compromise systems, leading to data breaches, downtime, reduced customer confidence, and reputation or financial loss.

This makes the prevention of insider threats extremely important.

Regular security awareness training, addressing misconfigurations, implementing cloud-native IAM features, and adoption of work protection platforms all help to reduce the impact of insider threats.

#9. Complexity in Multi-Cloud Environments

Managing security across multiple cloud platforms adds complexity to an already convoluted security landscape.

Requirements for staff to administer multiple cloud platforms dramatically increase the scope of the attack surface, as well as management requirements. Because each cloud platform may require configurations exclusive to that provider’s policies and controls, ensuring consistency across environments is a significant challenge.

To overcome this complexity, organizations should implement a centralized security management framework, leveraging automation to reduce the workload, and establish clear security guidelines for each cloud provider. Organizations may also greatly benefit from using cloud-native security solutions that can adapt to different cloud environments.

Complexity in Cloud Security Integration: Despite the potential for streamlined solutions, 54% of respondents face challenges in maintaining consistent regulatory standards across multi-cloud environments. Additionally, 49% struggle with integrating cloud services into legacy systems, often complicated by limited IT resources.

Stay Secure with Check Point CloudGuard

Check Point is well-positioned to help organizations shield their vital business assets from emerging threats across multi-cloud environments. Check Point’s CloudGuard is an industry-leading CNAPP that defends your entire cloud ecosystem from a wide range of threats.

Leveraging advanced AI-powered threat prevention, contextual analysis, real-time visibility, and robust SDLC security practices, the CloudGuard CNAPP ensures your business is protected from end-to-end.

Experience the capabilities of CloudGuard for yourself: sign up for a free trial today.

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