What is “Intelligent GenAI”?

Transform cybersecurity with an Intelligent GenAI assistant that improves the security effectiveness of administrators and SecOps analysts alike.​


Infinity AI Copilot is Your Personal
AI-Powered Security Assistant

Reduce up to 90% of the time needed to perform common administrative tasks with a Generative AI security solution that harnesses automation and collaborative intelligence. ​

Unlike other AI models that work in a silo, Infinity AI Copilot delivers broad platform support for a variety of use cases – helping manage security across the entire Infinity Platform. ​

Infinity AI Copilot knows the customer’s policies, access rules, objects, logs, as well as all product documentation – allowing it to provide contextualized and complete answers.​

  • Accelerate security administration
    Reduce the time needed for security tasks including policy creation, implementation, and trouble ticket resolution.
  • Increase security effectiveness
    Apply new threat prevention controls or update existing ones, such as data protection and firewall rules or IPS signatures. Generate training to help users stay safe.
  • Improve incident mitigation and response.
    Leverage AI in threat hunting, analysis and resolution.

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Why Try Infinity AI Copilot?

More security. Less time and effort.

Accelerates operations by up to 90% while increasing effectiveness

Slash the time needed to create policies, update controls, investigate events and resolve trouble tickets

  • Automatically create and update policies via chat
  • AI-guided incident investigation and resolution
  • Leverage AI for threat hunting at scale
  • Write and run playbooks
  • Easy-to-use with Natural Language Processing
  • Instantly apply controls and detection rules

Why work at 10% capacity? Without AI, your staff can barely keep up.​

Not using an assistant? That makes your team’s work painstaking, manual and prone to human error.

  • Search access policies to update the right one
  • Manually analyze events with no expert advice
  • Verify your IPS has patches against latest CVEs
  • Threat hunting via multiple logs and data types
  • Look for DLP rules and update manually
AI Copilot

Infinity AI Copilot – Solution Brief

Generative AI Assistant that accelerates cyber security operations by up to 90%
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Explore more about Infinity

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Prevention-first, consolidated cyber security for governments

Explore security challenges faced by large organizations and how a consolidated cyber security architecture prevents attacks on critical data and disruption to business services

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