Cyber Security for
Local Governments

Check Point provides local governments and public services with consolidated cyber security to secure citizen data and protect critical infrastructure from attacks.


Check Point Infinity
Prevention-First Consolidated Security
For Local Governments

Infinity comprehensive


Comprehensive prevention to secure government and citizen data

Infinity collaborative


Prevent known and zero-day attacks with collaborative threat intelligence

Infinity consolidated


Consolidated security offering cost-saving and operational efficiency

Prevent Attacks On Citizen Data & Public Services

Public Sector Average data breach cost - $2.07M

Local governments face unprecedented threats from state-sponsored actors and the success of international hacktivism. Ransomware demands have skyrocketed and average over $2 million. As the scale and sophistication of cyberattacks against local governments and services is on the rise, it is increasingly challenging to remain ahead of cyber criminals.

The key to protecting local services and sensitive citizen data is to adopt a consolidated and unified approach to cyber security across networks, cloud, mobile, endpoints & IoT devices. As well as optimizing threat prevention, a consolidated security architecture also reduces management challenges and reduces costs.

58% of state and local governments are hit by ransomware annually

Consolidated Security Architecture For Local Governments

従来、IT担当者は、それぞれ特定のセキュリティ問題に対処する各種の製品を導入していました。 統合アーキテクチャは、導入環境全体に優れた可視性、高度な脅威インテリジェンス、シンプルな管理をもたらします。 ネットワーク、クラウド、エンドポイント、IoTデバイスがサイバー犯罪者に狙われている今日、すべての拠点をカバーするサイバー セキュリティ戦略の導入を検討する必要があります。





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