DevSecOps Solutions

Deploy new applications at the speed of development, without jeopardizing your security posture. Check Point offers automated full lifecycle security for your modern day applications.

セキュリティ診断 EXPLORE API’S


Application Developer icon


Evaluate your code in build stage and use RESTful APIs to filter malicious content


DevSecOps CI/CD icon

DevSecOps CI/CD

Auto-deploy security into the DevOps pipeline with unified cross-platform code scanning


IT Security icon

IT Security

Security controls offering unified visibility and operational efficiency across both on-prem and cloud deployments


DevOps and continuous delivery models result in faster time-to-market. However, development, QA, and operations teams face challenges when it comes to incorporating security into the product life-cycle. They are afraid of slowing things down, necessitating integrated DevSecOps best practices. Security approaches that worked in the past do not work with modern DevOps models. These outdated processes involve manual review processes of security risks at the end of product development and QA. This approach causes significant delays and does not scale with modern day applications.


Shift Left: Check Point Security Solution for DevOps

チェック・ポイントのソリューションを使用すると、DevSecOpsを実現し、俊敏性を犠牲にすることなく、アプリケーションの開発、導入、実行プロセスにセキュリティとコンプライアンスを組み込むことができます。 チェック・ポイントのDevSecOps自動化ツールを活用すれば、テストだけでなく、セキュリティ・ポリシーの適用と脅威の防御も自動化できます。 DevSecOpsチームは、次の4つの方法でセキュリティを自動化し、アプリケーションを強化できます。


Check Point solutions incorporate security and compliance protection early into the development lifecycle. With security checks integrated continuously into the deployment pipeline, rather than at the end, DevSecOps are able to find and fix security vulnerabilities early, accelerating an organization’s time-to-market.


Container Image Scanning

Scan container images during CI/CD and search for vulnerabilities with continuous security scans. If a vulnerability is found, the information is sent to the CLI tool along with the recommended remediation steps. If other issues are found, CloudGuard will stop the pipeline build with outlined remediation steps before they get to the production environment.


devsec container image scanning diagram

devsec container image scanning diagram

Code Scanning

CloudGuard provides continuous code scanning, searching for security issues and non-compliance in the CI/CD pipeline. If an issue is found, the pipeline is stopped and CloudGuard will provide remediation next steps to align with security policies.


IAC Scanning

Enforce both customizable and regulatory security policies automatically. During the deployment stages, CloudGuard integrates with IAC templates to ensure mandatory and customizable rulesets are applied during deployment. CloudGuard will run preconfigured ruleset scans to ensure compliance and that security policy requirements are met. For noncompliance issues, CloudGuard will supply a remediation steps prior to production.


devsec iac scanning diagram

devsec credential exposure diagram

Credential Exposure

CloudGuard checks for exposed credentials and sensitive content inside the code repositories and containers prior to production. If hardcoded credentials or vulnerabilities are found, CloudGuard will stop the development pipeline and provide the necessary remediation steps.



By integrating CloudGuard security into the CI/CD pipeline, container images and functions are automatically scanned for vulnerabilities, malware, weak security practices, and exposed credentials before they become major issues. CloudGuard will provide remediation steps in the event that an issue is found so DevSec teams can act quickly and not slow down the development cycle.


devsec integrated security diagram

Cloud Security
Knowledge Center

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